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The Tunnel

The Tunnel

Directed by Carlo Ledesma

Investigative journalist Natasha Warner leads a crew of four into an underground labyrinth.

Natasha leads a crew of four into an underground labyrinth.

Cast: Andy Rodoreda, Bel Deliá, Luke Arnold, Steve Davis

Member Reviews

5 out of 10 - never knew what the thing was that attacked them. Just really didn’t make sense. Too much moving around and not knowing what was going on.

4 hours ago

Can’t believe I had never even heard of this film or the process of how it was made. Great little independent engine that could with support of horror fan public financially. Well acted, with enough practical effects to give watchers the creeps. A very Blair Witch feel, which is the main thing that disappoints me for not hearing about it sooner.

12 hours ago

average but very enjoyable

15 hours ago

One of the best found footage movies to date.

22 hours ago

As far as found footage goes, this was pretty solid. It just doesn't do anything particularly original that you haven't already seen before. But this is a fairly enjoyable entry in the overall low-rent subgenre of found footage.

2 days ago